a week at manchester laces

  • Monday Nights

    Location: Whalley Range Sports Centre

    Signing up: Monday nights are “pay as you go” which means you don’t have to commit to coming every week. Sign up is via Spond (an app) and the invite drops 5 days before kick off!

    5aside: for experienced players

    Book Via Laces App - Android

    Book Via Laces App - Apple

    7aside: for all abilities

    Book Via Laces App - Android

    Book Via Laces App - Apple

    Newbies: for beginner players (training & a mini game)

    Book Via Laces App - Android

    Book Via Laces App - Apple

  • the af league

    Location: Whalley Range Sports Centre (Wednesday) and Hough End (Tuesday).

    Manchester Laces launched AF League back in 2021 to create a league format which was fun and competitive in Manchester. The other options out there didn't seem too inclusive and would sometimes tip over into "too" competitive. At our league it's teams like "Spice Goals" and "Barely Athletic". It's all community led and about coming together.

    Check out all the info here: www.afleague.co.uk

  • Thursday training

    Location: Hough End Playing Fields, 480 Princess Road, M20 1HP

    Time: 6-9pm (time slots) depending on your squad

    What? Training groups for all squads with coaches, equipment and top facilities.

    Red, Purple, Bronze, Orange - Casual

    Green, Black, Blue, Yellow - A bit more competitive

  • sunday league

    Location: varies from week to week

    What? Our yellow squad plays 11-a-side football in Division 1 of GMWFL.

    Sign up is open to Thursday members.

  • FA flexi league (different days)

    Location: Changes from week to week // Day: this will vary throughout the season to make it flexible for all clubs taking part

    The FA have introduced a flexible league for players who are newer to footie. This will be 7aside or 9aside and be eligible to all squads. We’ll play roughly twice a month and there’ll be an official league table on The FA website. In 2023/24 we’ll be entering at least 3 teams into this setup!

    Sign up is open to Thursday members.