we won!

In February 2022 it was announced that Manchester Laces had been shortlisted for a National Award: https://sportsmedialgbt.com/leicester-tottenham-and-manchester-laces-land-double-nominations-on-football-v-homophobia-awards-shortlists

We were (and are) in total disbelief at getting the nod. In March 2021 when we launched we had an aim of creating an inclusive space in our vision. The 4 leaders had played football for decades, going from club to club and seeing the best (and worst) of what amateur football had to offer. Our expectation in year 1 was to simply open the door to a community and hope we had enough players to create a squad.

After 1 year we’ve been taken to London by Red Bull, met superstars at Manchester City, been offered a special day event at Manchester United, travelled around playing football across England and we’re preparing ourselves for our first European road trip to Paris in June 2022. We have walking football, beginner sessions, intermediate and 11aside squads and ad-hoc sessions benefitting over 350 people in Manchester.

How have we done it? We’re not too sure BUT we think it might be our strong ethos around kindness, openness and communication. We have a clear ethos and we stick by it.

In March 2022 it was announced that Manchester Laces had WON the National Grassroots Club of The Year award!!!

As we approach our first birthday and look towards the next year for this incredible community it feels so special looking back over the last year and seeing this award as a symbol of all the hard work we’ve put in. Thanks to Emma Morris, Elena Aragones, Candice Collins, Kelly Roberts, Mali Read, Julie Price, Jo McDonald, Lois Grange and Rebecca Macduff for your volunteer work to help us continue growing and supporting this community.

Helen x


happy birthday to us!


12 hours in London!